Information and Applications
2025 Kindergarten Applications for Enrolment are open NOW. Please come to the office to fill out an Application for Enrolment and bring your child’s ORIGINAL Birth Certificate which must be sighted at the time of enrolment.
2025 Kindergarten applications close on Friday 19th July 2024
2025 Application for Enrolments are now open for all year levels – PP to Year 6. Please collect an application for enrolment form from administration on week days between 8.00am and 3.30pm.
Please follow the instructions below:
Please find our application for enrolment form and information regarding the compulsory enrolment documentation. The enrolment of a student is governed by the School Education Act and requires a minimum of two pieces of approved evidence. If you would like to know more about enrolment in a government school click here to be redirected to the DOE WA Enrolment Policy.
Once you have completed and submitted your application for enrolment with the required documentation you will be given a full enrolment pack. The completed enrolment pack is then reviewed by the Principal.
Grandis Primary School always likes to discuss the needs of a new student to ensure their transition is as smooth as can be. This can include contacting the previous school or other agency representatives who may be involved. Kindergarten students are non-compulsory age and will need to re-apply to enrol as a compulsory student for Pre Primary. Fraudulent enrolments – Should an application for enrolment contain missing or false information the enrolment can be cancelled. (Please refer to the School Education Act, Section 20).